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Juli 01, 2011

Lost 50 Pounds Of "Pregnancy Weight"

How To Get The SEXY Back In
"Sexy Mama!"
How Holly Lost 50 Pounds Of "Pregnancy Weight"
Exercising Just 15 Minutes Per Day!

Dear Mom,
About 5 months into my pregnancy, I was gaining weight pretty quickly; in fact, I was blowing up like a balloon!And it gets worse….my doctor had to tell me to slow down!Talk about a blow to my already fragile self-esteem.
I practically snuck out of the office that day, half-holding back tears, half-angry at myself for all those years I had treated myself so poorly.
I despised EVERY picture that was taken of me when I was pregnant, and by my 6th month I could no longer even recognize my own face.

After Tyler was born, I was told I would lose a lot of weight simply from breastfeeding – and I did, shedding 17 pounds in the first 2 months.
And then, as quickly as the weight came off... my weight loss came to a screeching halt!. Sure I was grateful to lose those 17 pounds (in fact, fitting back into REAL jeans again was a godsend!), but I still needed to lose 33 pounds more to get back to my "pre-baby-body".
I needed to do something FAST.
-. My self-esteem was at rock-bottom...
-. My stomach was flabby and overstretched...
-. And I wanted to look SEXY again!.

So I began reading up on the intensity levels of exercise and how it affects your body's ability to lose weight.
I wanted to see if there was a way to get the same fat burning affect I had from walking those hills - but somehow managing to do it even FASTER - since walking still took up about 45 minutes per day.

What was this secret?

The secret was called "EPOC", short for "excess post-exercise oxygen consumption".

"EPOC is a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity intended to erase the body's oxygen debt. In order for your body to get back up to speed, it raises your metabolism levels for the next 24-48 hours.
That means your metabolism works harder to burn off your baby weight - automatically - no matter WHAT you do after you workout."
Continued... Click Here!

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